

When I was nineteen, my LING 389 (English And Grammar Usage) professor warned me via email that I would “loose” grades were I to hand in any assignments late.

Ever since, I’ve tried to do my part to rid the world of poor grammar. Hope you enjoy my comics.

Email me!


All work is copyrighted 2011-2020. Feel free to share, but please link to my site. Thanks!

39 Responses to About!

  1. Maursie says:

    Life changing, LIFE CHANGING!

  2. celebrationcentrenelson says:

    Love your sense of humour. In fact your sense of humour is intriguing.
    Wanted a quick peek at blog and have been on here half n hour.
    Showed your site to some refugee students learning computers today and who are all learning English. Showed them Grammar Guru post. They loved it. http://computersinhomesnelson.blogspot.com/p/fun-links.html
    It makes me nervous leaving a comment to someone so grammatically correct!

  3. Smart Guy says:

    I don’t always follow blogs, but when I do, they are kick-ass.

  4. I think I have laughed at every post that i have clicked on. Hence, the numerous ‘like’ presses. If I leave a comment and my grammar is off, please correct me. Keep this up – it’s very funny!

  5. As a grammar nazi who loves online comics, you have officially made my life.

  6. Beth says:

    Wittiness combined with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You are a rare combination of thrilling attributes… and the English-speaking population is better for it.

    • Very flattering! Thank you Beth! 😀

      • Beth says:

        You might have trouble illustrating it, but if you want a chuckle, examine the sentence, “I didn’t say she stole a book.” Say it seven different times… the first time, place an emphasis on “I” then place it on “didn’t” the second time, so on and so forth. It’s rather humorous how the connotation of the sentence changes as the emphasized word changes. I just remembered this little lesson while reading the driving comic of all things… don’t ask how they related! I have no idea!

  7. Jeff says:

    These have come along way since we were making comics about Ali on hypercard! Well maybe not a long way haha. I am double checking this comment for errors as I don’t want to end up as an example.

  8. Jeff says:

    damn you grammar guru

  9. kara says:

    I nominated you for the versatile blogger award 🙂 check out the post here http://heyartist.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/first-blog-nomination/

  10. Rita Russell says:

    Hello Matthew,
    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award because I really get a kick out of your blog. Love your cartoons and topics, 🙂 Check out the link here and enjoy :


  11. Hello Matt, I found your blog from Rita of http://ritarussell.wordpress.com/
    Your blog is cool and funny. I like it. 🙂

  12. Jacob Spire says:

    Okay, your (I didn’t write you’re, did I?) is on my ‘awesome blog’ list. Officially.
    Definitely one worth following!

  13. Oh hello there, Mr. Baines. 😛

    Quite funny and cute, too. Congratulations on your life, good sir.

  14. sharkables says:

    Ahh I’m totally diggin your illustrations! (but then again I DO kind of have a thing for little beady-eyed characters with gaping mouths…). Thanks for the like, I’m glad to have stumbled upon this one!

  15. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger thing 🙂

  16. Miss Edee says:

    I come here sometimes just to make sure I’m not crazy (when I see bad grammar or need a refresher of my own, that is). I got nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award. I’m supposed to pick 15 other blogs to nominate. I could only come up with 8 and, since I follow your blog, I picked yours. If you haven’t done it before, you can look at this post for more info: http://missedee.com/2011/12/16/versatile-blogger-award/#more-1048

    I’m pretty sure the world will keep spinning if you prefer not to play 😉

  17. I love your blog, it’s educational and always good for a laugh 😀
    I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, you can head over here for the details

    An Award And A Request

  18. Hey there, just wanted to drop in and give you an award 😉 http://betterthansurviving.me/2013/02/15/the-liebster-award/

  19. Paul Lamb says:

    Technically, in your example above, wouldn’t “loose” be a usage error rather than a grammar error?

  20. Heather says:

    The other day, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a thirty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  21. Cailean Meredith says:

    Hey Mr. Baines! Hope the year is going well for you! I was talking with a friend of mine at college about some of our favourite old teachers, and pulled up Boggleton Drive to show her how awesome Canadian teachers are. You have now given Canadian teachers a great reputation to a few of my fellow Drexel freshmen.

  22. Jess says:

    You are missed. I hope you’re happy and healthy!

Say stuff!